
Principal’s Corner


I am grateful for the opportunity to lead and represent our P.S. 12 community. I look forward to building strong and positive partnerships that will support our students, staff, and families.

We at P.S. 12 are committed to making our school a place that students are eager to attend each and every day – a place where they want to socialize, to challenge themselves and to achieve all that they can achieve as learners. We all care deeply about the success of our children and our goal here at P.S. 12 is – using that shared foundation – to build positive relationships with each and every family.

Additionally, we constantly strive to provide innovative instructional methods to engage students in literacy across every classroom, a variety of applications in technology, and 21st Century skills yielding proficient readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and thinkers.
Together, we are committed to preparing our students academically, socially and emotionally so they can be successful in today’s society and beyond.

At P.S. 12, we are the living embodiment of our school motto: Together We Inspire, Together We Achieve.

Principal Watson: SWatson16@schools.nyc.gov

Watch a Short Video about our Principal

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